Friday, November 30, 2018

දෛනික ඉංග්‍රීසි | Daily English | One Simple Dialog a Day | 30th of Nov, 2018

Let's learn one English Conversation per day and improve spoken English.

Read out LOUD the following English Dialog 10 times today. Not Tomorrow, but today, today itself.

B: "I'm good. How about you? What have doing these days?"
A: "I finished my training last couple of months back. Now looking for a job but no luck."
B: "Yes, I heard from a friend that the job market is not doing good lately."
A: "I had been to 6 job interviews so far, and I am slaking off. But hoping for the best."
B: "Do you have any experience with LDS?" 

A:"No what is it?"
B: "It is a business productivity improvement system that is used by some companies. In my company we are using it for sales and task management. It is a very effective tool and the training we get from using it helps a lot in becoming a great team player."
A: "Team work skills? Looks like that is what most interviewers want from us. I had to demonstrate it in all my interviews. But I am not sure if I did well."
B: "Exactly, we think we are good team players, but we have so many things to learn. If you are interested I can give you a basic LDS training in my place."
A: "You mean home? Do you have access to the system from home?" 

B: "Yes, its completely online. Call me if you like to see it."
A: "Of cause, I would love to learn those stuff before my next interview. Will call tonight for sure." 
B: "Sure, see you later then."
A: "Thanks man"

LearnEnglish18 is one of the best Free Online Spoken English Courses in Sri Lanka. Start Practicing Today.

Thursday, November 29, 2018

දෛනික ඉංග්‍රීසි | Daily English | One Simple Dialog a Day | 29th of Nov, 2018

Let's learn one English Conversation per day and improve spoken English.

Read out LOUD the following English Dialog 10 times today. Not Tomorrow, but today, today itself.

A: "Hey, You are Saman, right?"
B: "Yes. Oh, we work in the same team, right? Sorry, I didn't recognize you."
A: "Yeah. I'm Gayani. You are the new sales manager."
B: "Yes, today is my second day."
A: "What do you think about our company?"
B: "Wow, its the most 'fast paced' sales team I have ever seen. You are using this system, LDS, which is outstanding. I am just not sure if I can catch up with you guys."
A: "Don't worry, you will. We are only 6 months or so with this system and its easy to learn. Yet you need to work on time to avoid red flags."

B: "What are red flags?"
A: "Well, you have to clear your tasks daily or they will be flagged as red. If you have red, you will not be able to perform well and be successful. But its easy if you respond to the system daily."
B: "Wow, it sounds pretty intense."
A: "It is,.. but if you do it, your sales commissions will follow you like a waterfall." 
LearnEnglish18 is one of the best Free Online Spoken English Courses in Sri Lanka. Start Practicing Today.

Wednesday, November 28, 2018

දෛනික ඉංග්‍රීසි | Daily English | One Simple Dialog a Day | 28th of Nov, 2018

Let's learn one English Conversation per day and improve spoken English.

Read out LOUD the following English Dialog 10 times today. Not Tomorrow, but today, today itself.

B: "Of cause you can apply. Are you serious?"
A: "No. I'm just kidding. My current job is very good too. We have a great work culture, LDS and I really like to be there."
B: "It's really good for you as everyone is not that lucky."
A: "Yeah, and I might get a promotion early next year as well. Hoping for the best."
B: "Great and good luck to you."
A: "Thanks. It's great to see you again."
B: "Yeah. I'll meet later."
A: "Have a nice day."

LearnEnglish18 is one of the best Free Online Spoken English Courses in Sri Lanka. Start Practicing Today.

Tuesday, November 27, 2018

දෛනික ඉංග්‍රීසි | Daily English | One Simple Dialog a Day | 27th of Nov, 2018

Let's learn one English Conversation per day and improve spoken English.

Read out LOUD the following English Dialog 10 times today. Not Tomorrow, but today, today itself.

A: "Hey Saman. What are you doing here?"
B: "Hey, How are you doing? I'm just meeting up with a friend in the cafe over there."
A: "Cool. You look great man?"
B: "I m good, I mean really good. I got a new job with good future."
A: "Really, looks like a high paying one too."
B: "Not at the moment, but I have a great incentive scheme if I work heard. Which is exactly what I am doing recently."
A: "Great, tell me more about it. Can I join your company as well?"

LearnEnglish18 is one of the best Free Online Spoken English Courses in Sri Lanka. Start Practicing Today.

Monday, November 26, 2018

Positive & Negative thinking - Great Lesson

දෛනික ඉංග්‍රීසි | Daily English | One Simple Dialog a Day | 26th of Nov, 2018

Let's learn one English Conversation per day and improve spoken English.

Read out LOUD the following English Dialog 10 times today. Not Tomorrow, but today, today itself.

"Unfortunately, we do not have a good public transportation around here. It would be great if the government thinks of it at least this year."

"That would definitely be so great. But unlikely I am afraid."

"Yeah, it is true. And let's forget about the government as we have better things to do."

"Of Cause. Let me begin by introducing my partners in our business..."
LearnEnglish18 is one of the best Free Online Spoken English Courses in Sri Lanka. Start Practicing Today.

Saturday, November 24, 2018

The Power of Attitude (MUST WATCH) - Most profound video ever by Dr. Myl...

දෛනික ඉංග්‍රීසි | Daily English | One Simple Dialog a Day | 24th of Nov, 2018

Let's learn one English Conversation per day and improve spoken English.

Read out LOUD the following English Dialog 10 times today. Not Tomorrow, but today, today itself.

A"Hi. I'm Saman. It's my pleasure to meet you."
B: "Hi Saman. I'm glad to be here."
A: "Did you have any problems finding the directions to this place."
B: "No, it was not difficult as I used google maps. However, the traffic was terrible out there."
A: "Yes, that is a problem around here. Traffic is never good."

LearnEnglish18 is one of the best Free Online Spoken English Courses in Sri Lanka. Start Practicing Today.

Friday, November 23, 2018

How To Be Positive At Work

දෛනික ඉංග්‍රීසි | Daily English | One Simple Dialog a Day | 23rd of Nov, 2018

Let's learn one English Conversation per day and improve spoken English.

Read out LOUD the following English Dialog 10 times today. Not Tomorrow, but today, today itself.

A: "Hey, where are you going now?"
B: "Hi, I'm going to meet some friends at the shopping center."
A: "So, going on a shopping round?"
B: "Yes, a little. I have to buy some presents and some other things as well."
A: "Really, whose birthday is it?"
B: "No, it's my sister's anniversary."
A: "Wow, that's great. You should get going then. And I am in a hurry too. See you soon"
B: "You too. Bye."

LearnEnglish18 is one of the best Free Online Spoken English Courses in Sri Lanka. Start Practicing Today.

Thursday, November 22, 2018

What is attitude?

දෛනික ඉංග්‍රීසි | Daily English | One Simple Dialog a Day | 22nd of Nov, 2018

Let's learn one English Conversation per day and improve spoken English.

Read out LOUD the following English Dialog 10 times today. Not Tomorrow, but today, today itself.

"Hi Gayani."
"Hey,.. How are you doing?"
"Not Bad*. How about you?"
"I'm alright*. The weather is really good today, isn't it?"
"Yes of cause, compared to the past few days."
"I wish it will be like this for the whole week."
"Yeah, me too."

*Means the one is not good or very happy.
LearnEnglish18 is one of the best Free Online Spoken English Courses in Sri Lanka. Start Practicing Today.

Wednesday, November 21, 2018

දෛනික ඉංග්‍රීසි | Daily English | One Simple Dialog a Day | 21st of Nov, 2018

Let's learn one English Conversation per day and improve spoken English.

Read out LOUD the following English Dialog 10 times today. Not Tomorrow, but today, today itself.

A: "Saman, we should get together for dinner sometime."
B: "Yeah, that's a great idea."
A: "Great, I'll call you then."
B: "Ok. I'll see you later."
A: "Alright. See you soon."

LearnEnglish18 is one of the best Free Online Spoken English Courses in Sri Lanka. Start Practicing Today.

Tuesday, November 20, 2018

දෛනික ඉංග්‍රීසි | Daily English | One Simple Dialog a Day | 20th of Nov, 2018

Let's learn one English Conversation per day and improve spoken English.

Read out LOUD the following English Dialog 10 times today. Not Tomorrow, but today, today itself.

A: "Does that mean you have already finished studies? I thought you had 1 more exam left."
B: "I took some extra lessons and finished it last month."
A: "It's great. I'm really happy for you."
B: "Thanks."

LearnEnglish18 is one of the best Free Online Spoken English Courses in Sri Lanka. Start Practicing Today.

Monday, November 19, 2018

දෛනික ඉංග්‍රීසි | Daily English | One Simple Dialog a Day | 19th of Nov, 2018

Let's learn one English Conversation per day and improve spoken English.

Read out LOUD the following English Dialog 10 times today. Not Tomorrow, but today, today itself.

A: "What have you been up to recently?"
B: "Well, I just started my new job so I'm pretty excited."

LearnEnglish18 is one of the best Free Online Spoken English Courses in Sri Lanka. Start Practicing Today.

Sunday, November 18, 2018

දෛනික ඉංග්‍රීසි | Daily English | One Simple Dialog a Day | 18th of Nov, 2018

Let's learn one English Conversation per day and improve spoken English.

Read out LOUD the following English Dialog 10 times today. Not Tomorrow, but today, today itself.

A: "Hi Saman, how are you doing today?"
B: "I'm doing good. How about you?"
C: "I'm doing great myself."

LearnEnglish18 is one of the best Free Online Spoken English Courses in Sri Lanka. Start Practicing Today.